Spelling Scheme of Work


Year 1

Most schools will have a carefully chosen phonics scheme in place. 

We provide the below resources to supplement these schemes and to ensure comprehensive coverage of the appendix to the national curriculum. 

Rather than prescribing a week-by-week spelling scheme in Year 1, the contents of the appendix to the national curriculum for year 1 students has been broken down into 41 lists. These lists should complement all phonics schemes of works and allow teachers to use in any order appropriate to their phonics scheme of work. We do provide spelling assessments corresponding to Lists 1-14, Lists 15-28 and Lists 29-41 for completeness.

We are presently in the process of adding further lists of words following requests by teachers.  

Lists 1-14

1. The sounds /f/ & /s/ spelt ff & ss.
2. The sounds /l/, /z/ and /k/ spelt ll, zz and ck. 
3. Ph and wh spelling.
4. The /k/ sound spelt k.
5. The /nk/ sound spelt nk.
6. The /v/ sound at the end of words.
7. The digraph ar.
8. The digraphs ir
9. The digraph ur.
10. The digraph or.
11. The digraph ou.
12. The trigraph igh.
13. The digraph aw.
14. The digraph au.

Year 1, Autumn term, spelling assessment

Lists 15-28

15. The digraphs ai and oi.
16. The digraphs ay and oy.
17. The trigraph ore.
18. The trigraph air and ear. 
19. The trigraphs ear and are.
20. The digraph er.
21. The sound /ee/ spelt ee.
22. The digraph ea both sounds.
23. The digraph ie both sounds.
24. The digraph oo both sounds.
25. The digraph ow like snow.
26. The split digraph a-e.
27. The split digraph e-e.
28. The split digraphs i-e.

Year 1, Spring term, spelling assessment

Lists 29-41

29. The split digraph o-e.
30. The split digraph u-e both sounds.
31. The sound /oa/ spelt digraphs oa, ow & oe. 
32. The digraphs ue and the ew.
33. Division of words into syllables.
34. Adding the prefix un-.
35. Words ending –y.
36. Words ending in -tch.
37. Adding -s and -es to nouns.
38. Adding -s and -es to verbs.
39. Adding the endings –ing, –ed and –er to verbs where no change is needed to the root word.
40. Adding –er and –est to adjectives where no change is needed to the root word.
41. Compound words 1.

Year 1, Summer term, spelling assessment

Autumn Term 1A

1. The /n/ sound spelt kn- and (less often) gn- at the beginning of words.
2. The /r/ sound spelt wr- at the beginning of words. 
3. The /s/ sound spelt c before e, i and y.
4. The /j/ sound spelt j or g.
5. The /j/ sound spelt as ge and dge.
6. Common Exception Words 1.


Autumn Term 1B

1. The /l/ sound spelt –le at the end of words.
2. The /l/ sound spelt –el at the end of words. 
3. The /l/ sound spelt –al at the end of words.
4. Words ending –il.
5. Common Exception Words 2.
6. *Compound words 2.

Year 2, autumn term, spelling assessment.

Spring Term 2A

1. The /i/ sound spelt –y at the end of words. 
2. Adding –ies to words ending in –y.
3. Adding –ed, –ing, –er and –est to a root word ending in –y with a consonant before it.
4. Adding the endings – ing, –ed, –er, –est and –y to words ending in –e with a consonant before it.
5. Adding –ing, –ed, –er, –est and –y to words of one syllable ending in a single consonant letter after a single vowel letter.
6. Common Exception Words 3.


Spring Term 2B

1. The /u/ sound spelt o. 
2. The /ee/ sound spelt –ey.
3. The /o/ sound spelt a after w or qu
4. The /ur/ sound spelt or after w.
5. The /or/ sound spelt ar after w.
6. The /zh/ sound spelt s.

Year 2, spring term, spelling assessment.

Summer Term 3A

1. The /or/ sound spelt a before l and ll.
2. The suffixes –ment, –ness & –ful
3. The suffixes –less and –ly. 
4. Words ending in –tion.
5. Common Exception Words 4.
6. Common Exception Word 5.


Summer Term 3B

1. Homophones 1.
2. Homophones and near-homophones 2.
3. Contractions.
4. The possessive apostrophe (singular nouns).
5. Common Exception Words 6
6. *Question words. 

Year 2, summer term, spelling assessment.
ing assessment.

Autumn Term 1A

1. The /ay/ sound spelt ei. 
2. The /ay/ sound spelt ey.
3. Homophones and near-homophones 1.
4. Homophones and near-homophones 2.
5. *The /s/ sound spelt c before e, i and y. (Year 2 revision).
6. *Double consonants.


Autumn Term 1B

1. Suffix -ly. 
2. Suffix -ly where the root word ends in y.
3. Adverbs with the suffix -ly where the root word ends in le.
4. Adverbs with the suffix -ly where the root word ends in ic .
5. Adverbs with the suffix -ly exceptions & consolidation.

Year 3, autumn term, spelling assessment.

Spring Term 2A

1. The prefix dis–.
2. The prefix mis–. 
3. The prefix re-.
4. Adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words of more than one syllable.
5. *Split digraph i-e with a short & long vowel sound (Year 1 revision).
6. The /n/ sound spelt kn and gn at the beginning of words. (Year 2 revision).


Spring Term 2B

1. The /k/ sound spelt ch. 
2. The /sh/ sound spelt ch.
3. Words ending with the /g/& /k/ sound spelt gue and que.
4. The /s/ sound spelt sc
5. The /i/ sound spelt y.
6. The /u/ sound spelt ou.

Year 3, spring term, spelling assessment.

Summer Term 3A

1. *Words containing the letter string ough. 
2. *Days of the Week & Seasons.
3. *Months of the Year
4. *Time & Place
5. *Cross curricular.
6. *Direction Dimension & Amount.


Summer Term 3B

1. *The vowel digraph ea and trigraph ear.
2. *Word family – sol. 
3. *Word families – dec, cent, milli & micro.
4. *Conjunctions
5. *Prepositions
6. *Long /ee/ sound spelt y at the end of words.

Year 3, summer term, spelling assessment.

Autumn Term 1A

1. Prefix in- .
2. Prefix im- . 
3. Prefix il- and ir-.
4. Prefix sub- and super-.
5. Prefix inter-.
6. Prefix anti- & auto-.


Autumn Term 1B

1. *Adverbs of Manner
2. *Adverbs of Time 
3. *Adverbs of Place
4. Nouns ending in -ation.
5. Year 3 & 4 Word List 1.
6. Year 3 & 4 Word List 2.

Year 4, autumn term, spelling assessment.

Spring Term 2A

1. Word ending sounds /zhuh/ spelt -sure. 
2. Word ending sounds /cher/ spelt -ture.
3. Words ending /shuhn/ spelt -sion.
4. Words ending /shuhn/ spelt -ssion.
5. Words ending /shuhn/ spelt -tion.
6. Words ending /shuhn/ spelt -cian.


Spring Term 2B

1. Suffix -ous with no change to the root word. 
2. Suffix -ous with no root word.
3. Suffix -ous where –our is changed to –or before –ous is added.
4. Suffix -ous where the word ends in -y become i.
5. Suffix -ous where root word ends in e.
6. Suffix -ous – consolidation.

Year 4, spring term, spelling assessment.

Summer Term 3A

1. Possessive apostrophe with plural words.
2. *The suffix -ary. 
3. *Words spelt -ar.
4. *Words spelt -er.
5. *Word families – uni, bi, tri & quad.
6. *Word families – pent, hex, oct, & dec.


Summer Term 3B

1. *Word families – acro, acu/accu & aero.
2. *Word families – anni/annu, aqu & Astro.
3. *Word families – bi & bio.
4. *Word families – cert, chrono & circ. 
5. *Word families – co & corp.
6. *Word families – demo, dent & dia.

Year 1, spring term, 4 summer assessment.

Autumn Term 1A

1. Words with endings that sound like /shuhs/ spelt with –cious. 2. Words with endings that sound like /shuhs/ spelt with –tious or -ious. 3. *The sound /i/ spelt y (revision from year 3 & 4). 4. *Words that start with ‘con-’. 5. *Words ending /shuhn/ spelt -tion. (Year 4 revision). 6. *The /l/ or /əl/ sound spelt –le at the end of words. (Year 3 revision). 7. Silent letters

Autumn Term 1B

1. Adjectives ending in -ant into nouns ending in -ance/-ation .
2. Adjectives ending in -ent into nouns ending in -ence/-ency.  
3. Words ending in -able.
4. Words ending in -able & -eable.
5. Words ending in -ible.
6. Words that end in -ibly.
Year 5, autumn term, spelling assessment.

Spring Term 2A

1. *Words spelt ie.
2. Words with a long /ee/ sound spelt ie or ei after c (and the exceptions).    
3. Words where c makes an /s/ sound before i, e and y.
4. Hyphens: To join a prefix ending in a vowel to a root word beginning with a vowel.
5. *Words ending -ment.
6. *Words ending -ity.


Spring Term 2B

1. Adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words ending in -fer.  
2. Words with endings which sound like /shuhl/ after a vowel spelt -cial.
3. Words with endings which sound like /shuhl/ after a consonant spelt -tial.
4. *Words beginning acc-.
5. *Words beginning occ-.
6. *Words ending in -ant

Year 5, spring term, spelling assessment.

Summer Term 3A

1. *Words containing the letter string ough. 
2. *Words ending in -ate.
3. *Words ending in -ture (inc year 4 content).
4. *Words ending in -age.
5. *Words ending in -ary.
6. *Suffix -ly (inc year 3 content) .


Summer Term 3B

1. *Prefix -inter.  
2. *Double consonant.
3. *Year 5 & 6 Word List 1.
4. *Year 5 & 6 Word List 2.
5. *Modal verbs.
6. *Word families – dis & dur

Year 5, summer term, spelling assessment.

Autumn Term 1A

1. *Synonyms 1.
2. *Synonyms 2.  
3. *Antonyms.
4. *Word families – com & contra.
5. *Word families – equ, ex & extra.
6. *Word families – gen, geo & graph.


Autumn Term 1B

1. *Word families – lab & liber .
2. *Word families – loc & log. 
3. *Word families – maxi & mini.
4. *Word families – mid & mal.
5. *Word families – mono & du.
6. *Word families – nat & mort.

Year 6, autumn term assessment.

Spring Term 2A

Identifying & addressing gaps.

Spring Term 2B

Identifying & addressing gaps.

Summer Term 3A

1. *Word families – non & neg.
2. *Word families – nov & numer.  
3. *Word families – omni & para.
4. *Word families – per & pre.
5. *Word families – post & pro.
6. *Word families – re & reg.


Summer Term 3B

1. *Word families – rupt & trans.
2. *Word families – sect & super.
3. *Word families – tele & terr.
4. *Word families – scribe/scrip.
5. *Word families – ver & verb.  
6. *Word families – aud, vid & vac.

Year 6, summer term assessment.

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