We mean no charge, no obligations and free unlimited access.
We set it up for a year. There are no invoices unless someone explicitly orders a resource.
By making use of an Assess, Practise and Achieve model, we ensure that students are working at the right level and are making progress.
Students are engaged by an enchanting adventure, crazy characters, enthralling game modes, ultra competitive class competitions, school leaderboards for most effort & most improved, reward systems that encourage more use and trophies to display. All these features lead students to wanting to answer questions, explore new concepts or revisit known topics.
The more questions they answer, the more we know what questions to allocate and the more we can tell teachers with what area their class need help.
Roman Numerals with Emile includes the following topics:
– Numbers 1-12
– Adding and Subtracting
– Numbers 1-100
– Numbers 1-1000
– Years
Let your Students compete and progress, to see not only who is the best, but also who can make the most progress.
We run online demo’s daily for teachers throughout the year. They are a great way to see Emile in action and see if it’s right for your tutor group, school or MAT.