Maths Games Help Children


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Throughout a child’s time at school, they will be introduced to maths games by their teacher.

Maths games can be used as a group activity or a chance to develop individually. They can be used in breakfast or lunchtime clubs, as a reward in golden time, as homework or during lessons.

They all involve completing tasks which are tailored to the individual student. They come in a range of different formats such as multiple choice, odd ones out, but the best ones (like Emile) feature real games.

The best maths games all have the following features: 

– They challenge pupils to learn and try new skills

– They engross children to play again

– They offer a competition or multiplayer mode

– The maths will form an integral part of the game.

– The game will offer an engaging narrative

– The resource will reward players with trophies

Games are a great option to replace the ‘boring’ worksheets that have been used in schools in one format or another for hundreds of years.

Children lose concentration when maths is not engaging. That is why maths games feature creative and cool designs that engage children.

Games challenge children in a way where they don’t feel that they are being tested on their ability and provide a safe place to fail. This, in turn, reduces maths anxiety where children can feel more comfortable in exploring maths and not worry about getting the answer wrong.

Online maths games also allow parents and teachers to view a child’s results to see where they need to improve in that moment of time rather than waiting weeks for the results to come back from markers.

It’s a great way for parents to bond with their child. Parents can discover their child’s strengths and weaknesses without putting pressure on tests. Having these online games in classrooms also allow teachers to track their pupils’ progress. Children can learn maths skills on devices they are familiar with and enjoy using such as tablets or mobiles.

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We run online demo’s daily for teachers throughout the year. They are a great way to see Emile in action and see if it’s right for your tutor group, school or MAT.

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