Digital Play and Learning in Schools

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The Faculty of Education of Manchester Metropolitan University and Emile Education are hosting an evening of talks and discussions on Digital Play and Learning in Schools.

Welcoming teachers to the £140 million Faculty of Education Brooks Building will be Pro-Vice Chancellor Professor Richard Greene. There will be talks by Professor Nicola Whitton and Dr Philip Hood and a (yet to be finalized) panel featuring headteachers, teachers, academics, computer game experts and industry responding to questions from the audience.

Hear about the latest methods of integrating ICT into lessons, how to take advantage of children’s engagement with computer games and how to deliver meaningful and learning rich lessons with ICT. Also Innovate My School’s community can feed directly into research being conducted about ICT use in schools and directly to resource creators.

All attendees will also receive free access to the first online learning resource created by the Faculty of Education called “Emile”. Emile is a world leading product the development of which has been funded by Innovate UK, Creative England and the Regional Growth Fund that covers Year 3 & 4 Maths.

5.00pm – Welcome Speech – Pro-Vice Chancellor, Professor Richard Greene

5.10pm – Keynote 1 – Dr Philip Hood

5.25pm – Keynote 2 – Professor Nicola Whitton

5.45pm – Panel Discussion

Chair: Kirsty Styles of Tech North
Computer Games Expert: Simons Smith of Gameopolis and Thumbfood
Academic: Dr Gee Macrory of MMU
Teacher & Industry: Aeron Saxton of UKFast (provisionally)
Headteacher: To Be Announced
Teacher: To Be Announced

6.30pm – Close

Food and Refreshments will be provided.

A buffet and refreshments will be provided and the event is due to run from 4.30 to 6.30pm on Thursday the 28th September.

To get your ticket click here

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