Internet Safety KS2:
Fun, Educational Activities to Keep Students Safe Online

internet safety for schools
Teaching internet safety to KS2 pupils is essential as social media is a big part of their lives. Ensure their online safety with these fun and educational activities!

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Internet Safety ks2

Teaching students the importance of having safe and secure passwords is key to their online safety and privacy. This is a really key element of internet safety KS2. Whilst it’s tempting to use the same memorable password, this makes it easier for people to hack you!

Have your students make up some silly passwords that are unique to them. This way they have a list of different passwords that are hard to crack!

This increases their likelihood of maintaining privacy and reduces their chances of being hacked online. This is an important aspect of internet safety KS2, as students are more likely to have an online presence as they get older.

Spot The Difference

Create one safe social media profile and one unsafe social media profile and have your students decide between the two profiles which is the safe one!

Ask your students why they chose the one that they did, so that you can clearly see their understanding of internet safety KS2! They can make a list of what is safe/unsafe about the two profiles in order to make their choice.

This is a fun and interactive activity for your students to really engage with internet safety as they are deciding on their own which profile is safe.

Who Can I Tell?

This activity involves asking your students what information they can share online/tell other people. For example you can ask your class who they can tell their password to – their parents! However, they should know not to tell anyone else, especially people they don’t know. Students should know in internet safety KS2, certain information should remain private.

It’s important to discuss online boundaries with your students and ensure that they are staying safe when on social media. You can do this by teaching them what is and isn’t okay to be posting online – sharing personal information online isn’t okay!

They should only add people that they know in real life and should avoid those who they don’t. A great way of preventing strangers from seeing their posts is to keep their accounts private. If they are receiving messages from a stranger online, they need to know to tell an adult!

internet safety for schools

Watch A Video On Internet Safety KS2!

This video explores the dangers of posting personal information online! This is a great video to show your class to inform them of what they should feel free posting and what should stay private during internet safety KS2. It’s important that students know what information shouldn’t be posted online.

Being Kind Online

A crucial discussion concerning social media and internet safety KS2 is kindness to others.

Online bullying is sadly a large problem that continues to grow alongside social media. It is vital to teach your students the effects of this behaviour and that they should conduct themselves kindly online. 

Unfortunately, this kind of behaviour happens across all age groups online. It’s important for students to learn from a young age that they should always be kind online and in real life.

If a student sees that another student is being bullied online, it is important they know to tell a teacher! Your class should know that they can come to you in confidence if something is wrong. Be sure that they know this!

The government website for education offers some teacher guidance and resources for internet safety KS2!

Follow SMART Rules

internet safety for schools

SMART covers all the major rules that pupils should be following when online:

  1. Stay safe – never give any personal information to someone you don’t know
  2. Don’t meet up – never meet a stranger you have met online
  3. Accepting files – don’t accept any messages/emails from people you don’t know
  4. Reliable – know that not all information on the internet is true – there is a lot of false information
  5. Tell someone – if something is bothering you online, tell a trusted adult!

Design A Poster

Have your students design an internet safety KS2 poster based on all the information they have learned during today’s lesson!

Ask your students to get creative and draw some pictures, use lots of colour and design some fantastic internet safety KS2 posters! Have them add as much detail as possible and include all the information they have learned.

This is a great way to see what your students have learned and will make an excellent internet safety display board for your classroom!


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