Multiplication Tables Check: How To Best Prepare Your Year 4 Class

MTC Powerpoint Page 1
Prepping for the Multiplication Tables Check can be a stressful time for both you and your students. Let's make it a little easier with a few fun but effective activities to help pupils with their times tables revision!

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What Are The MTC's?

The Multiplication Tables Check is an online test where your Year 4 class will sit in order to see their multiplication abilities. The administration period stretches from Monday 6th June to Friday 24th June. Friday 24th June at 5PM is the deadline.

The test will cover times tables up to 12×12. There will be 25 questions and 3 practise questions before the examination begins. Students will have 6 seconds to answer the question and then a further 3 seconds before the next question is shown. The test will be different for each student as the different questions are generated.

In total the test takes 3 minutes and 45 seconds. to complete.

Here is the government assessment guide for the Multiplication Tables Check.


Multiplication Tables Check tablet computer laptop

MTC Prep Posters

Why not get your students to make some times tables posters?

This is a really simple and creative activity that gets your pupils practising their multiplication! They can use colours and bubble writing to make a times table poster (maybe 11 groups are each given a times table to design a poster for!)

Put these up in the classroom and have a display board dedicated to times tables! This way students are constantly seeing their times tables in the classroom before the Multiplication Tables Check.


Flashcards are a very well known effective revision method!

Students will be familiar with this practise technique. Allow your students some time in class to design their own multiplication flashcards.

Ask them to be creative and really spend some time making them look good. This way they are able to use them outside of class for home learning in preparation for the Multiplication Tables Check!

year 1 spelling

Waldorf Multiplication Flower

This is a creative activity to get your students actively engaging in times tables revision.

Students will be given a blank copy of a Waldorf flower, which they will fill in with a times table of their choosing. This goes in the middle, for example ‘7’. Around these are the numbers 1-12. The third row of petals is the answer to the multiplication question, for example ‘7 x 6 = 42’.

This activity is super fun and creative, allowing students to use some colours and design their Waldorf flower however they choose.

Ask students to choose a times table that they particularly struggle with so that this can be an effective resource for them to refer back to when revising for the Multiplication Tables Check!

Multiplication Competition

Host a times tables competition with your Year 4 class!

Emile offers a school wide times table competition which is great fun for all students. This is a great opportunity to have your students doing some effective times table practise, whilst also taking part in some friendly competition!

This is also a great way to see how your school is doing in their learning of times tables overall! See your students abilities easily and keep track of who may need a little extra help.

This also gives you an opportunity to reward students who are making progress and displaying hard work and effort!


Times tables games character

Multiplication Tables Check Quiz

Play the role of quiz master and do a game show like times tables quiz with your class!

Make a fun power point slideshow with cool transitions and sound effects and have students battle it out in a multiplication showdown!

Get two student volunteers up at a time and have them buzz in their answer! Winner stays on.

The final winner gets a prize!


Why not incorporate times tables into a fun game of bingo?

Make the game a little more educational by calling out times table sums instead of numbers! This way your students are still enhancing their multiplication skills, whilst playing a fun classic game. Bingo is a great learning activity as pupils are just happy to be playing a game during class. Getting to shout bingo out is always an exciting moment for students!

Having a prize such as chocolate or sweets is a great incentive for your pupils to try harder!

antonym bingo


Emile is an amazing online learning resource for the Multiplication Tables Check! Emile offers online games/activities that mimic the style of the MTC’s.

This is great for getting your students familiar with the Multiplication Tables Check style before they sit the real thing. This may settle student nerves regarding timings/difficult questions!

Essentially, it’s fantastic practise!

Read more about what Emile has to offer regarding the Multiplication Tables Check.

MTC assessment

As you can see, Emile has the same interface as the DfE interface, ensuring that your students are completing effective and accurate practise.

Compare data across MAT schools and see how your students are doing in comparison to other schools in their times tables and many other subjects!

Track progress with Emile using RAG data and see what your students need help with the most! This is individual progress so you can really target each students weaker areas and help every student!


MAT data

Multiplication Tables Check Resources – Emile:

Try Emile today!

The Multiplication Tables Check is not something that should be causing you or your students stress or anxiety! It is a small examination that is simply there to ensure that your pupils have made the necessary progress that children their age are expected. This test is in the best interest of your students!

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